Monday, May 10, 2010


I have a problem. I don't always have pictures to occupy you guys with, and I don't know what to do when I don't have any, and I'm too busy to get any. So if you have any suggestions, just comment.


  1. You write about your life. :) Or, you could start another blog and write about your life there and link it to this page.

  2. Take pictures of... Other things! Post stories. OHH! You could post your nanowrimo in installments! Like once a week. Yeahhhhh. That would be cool.

  3. that's a good idea about my nanowrimo, but it's like still in it's very rough draft form... unless you guys want to edit it for me! :P and i guess i could write about my life... i will think about ways to make that fit with nature. oh i know!! i will make a power point with all my good pictures in it. or is that too much like what i've already done? i mean not everyone has seen all my pictures, only the one's i've posted. and my goal is to learn indoors photography. i will be doing that today

  4. What a great Blog! Thanks for showing it to me!
