Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Well i guess everyone has completely forgotten my blog now since no one has commented, voted or anything like that. So if anyone just happens to see this, tell all my 10 followers who never follow anything, my blog misses them.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Photo Contest

Ok, I have decided there needed to be something more to this blog then just looking at pictures and playing with the fish. Starting Monday, you will be able to enter in a contest to see who can get the best picture of the topic I chose. The topic for this week is: trees. Any kind of tree of at any angle, you could even do a part of a tree that you like, but you have to be able to tell it's a tree, what ever you tihnk looks best. There will be prizes for the top 3 photos.(but you get a small prize for entering too). This contest ends Sunday the 14th. (You can e-mail me the picture that you wish to enter). So hurry up and enter, cause you only have a week. (results will be displayed the Monday after; the 15th).

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010

For Brie

While I find my sunset on the water pics, here is just a regular sunset. (I took it in the car.)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Once a week I will ask you for suggestions of pictures you want me to take or,have taken already and would like me to post. This will happen every Wednesday. Example: "hey mego, can you get a picture of a squirrel for me?" and since I already have multiple pics of squirrels from the summer, I would say," How about a squirrel eating an apple?" then they would say "Sure I've always wanted one of those!" then i would post it. cause i don't know what everyone likes looking at, or what you think is pretty. So don't forget, this only occurs Wednesdays, unless I have made special arrangements.