Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Recently I have gone on lots of car trips to all kinds of different places like my grandma's house. Here are some pictures I got in the car and at the places I was at.

Here are some really cool pictures I got on a cloudy day when the sun was just peeking through the clouds.

and here are some flowers I found somewhere...except i can't remember where.

I like this one because it's a good car trip picture. The sky is nice and blue and the clouds are getting farther away, you can see the shadows of the clouds on the hills, and you can tell it's all by a road. Oh no, I sound like Mr. Pritz.

Here is an airplane I saw at my brother's lacrosse game.

This, is the sky. GASP!

i really like this picture too. I got it on my way back from getting my kayak which is awesome and in the process of being named something that starts with a P!!!!! (If you can have any good suggestions, please tell me.)

This doesn't have to do with traveling, but when i was eating my pretzels today, I pulled this one out and thought it was the coolest pretzel ever!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


I bet a lot of you have seen those pictures before that look like someone or something is doing soemthing that is pretty much impossible. For example, a picture of a guy leaning on the eiffel tower. Well I found a website with a bunch of those kinds of pictures on it, and I thought it was so cool, so I tried it myself. Here are a few I got:

And here's a duck.....

This is my favorite one ever!!

So that's all I've got, but I'm planning on getting some with clouds, if the Up clouds ever come back :)