Sunday, August 28, 2011

Massachusetts Trip

Yesterday we came back from our trip to Cape Ann, MA. Because of the hurricane, we unfortunately didn't get to go to Boston. I was looking forward to going to that bakery that always has a line going out the door :( But other then that, it was really fun.
So when we got there, of course the first thing we did was go to the beach. Most of the beaches were covered in giant rocks (which I'm not surprised about since it was in Rockport) but we found a nice one close to our cottage that had some sand. These pictures are of the beach right across from our cottage. (The rocky one)

These next pictures are of the sandy beach.

That is my seaweed down there. Her name is Sheila.

The next thing we did was go to the little village where they had all these cute little shops and this thing called Motif number 1. It is one of the most painted and photographed pictures in the world. Although all it is, is a small red boat house. Supposedly it is the perfect shape and color for painting and that's why it's so popular. So of course i got a nice picture of that place too. Some stores even had the same picture for like 30 bucks!

We also went to this park that had a quarry.

Then we went to a whale watch which was pretty awesome. Whales are very hard to take pictures of though. especially when they barely come out of the water.

Look closely at this picture. It looks cool.

I had a video of the whales but it's not uploading :( I'll try to get it on as soon as I can.


  1. That's amazing :) Now I want to go to MA. Did you guys get bad rain and stuff from the storm?

  2. Yeah it was really fun :) And no not really, cause we left on saturday so it wasn't that close to where we were. I really hope this whale video loads, it's really cool to watch!
