Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Once a week I will ask you for suggestions of pictures you want me to take or,have taken already and would like me to post. This will happen every Wednesday. Example: "hey mego, can you get a picture of a squirrel for me?" and since I already have multiple pics of squirrels from the summer, I would say," How about a squirrel eating an apple?" then they would say "Sure I've always wanted one of those!" then i would post it. cause i don't know what everyone likes looking at, or what you think is pretty. So don't forget, this only occurs Wednesdays, unless I have made special arrangements.


  1. I SUGGEST A DOLPHIN SWIMMING IN THE SUNSET :) me likes dolphins and llamas

  2. OK, unfortunately, I have no pics of dolphins or llamas, but i'll figure it out :)

  3. Is a sunset on the water good enough?

  4. Hmm.... a bird silhouette on a vibrant sky background... be it sunrise or sunset.

    You know, when the sky looks like someone's dumped a bunch of crazy pigmented paint on it and it's all run together? With black clouds. Yes. I have yet to see that.

  5. oh oh i might have something like that. i'll post a few, and tell me which you like better.....if i can find any. if not, i'll have something to do this weekend.
