Monday, April 19, 2010


Hey everyone, I was just wondering what you think I should add to my blog. Obviously it's not the funnest blog around, and I was wondering if you had any suggestions on how to make it just a little more exciting. I mean i could try some more contests, but no one seems to participate. Is there a certain gadget I should add? Do you want me to post things about my photographing experiences and how i got certain pictures? Whatever you can think of would be great.


  1. Post stuff about your daily life too.
    Remember, "The shiny grass makes everyone happy!"

  2. I think that you should continue to post the nature pictures, but maybe with like an explanation, or your favorite part about them, or like you said, how you got them. I really like the pictures though, so don't change them!

  3. That's a good idea, I think i will try that, cause I have to go get more pictures today. My goal is to get a picture of a raindrop or a spider web. A website said that spiderwebs look the best on dewy mornings, but it's a rainy morning so I count it as the same thing.
