Ok, this is not specifically related to nature or pictures, but i need some help. So my problem is i really want a kayak. Not just any kayak though. A nice cheap (can be used but in good condition) preferably under 500-600 dollars, and not an inflatable kayak, and for 2 people. I have looked many place for this kayak: ebay, craigs list, amazon, l.l. bean, dick's sporting goods, no one seems to have anything. So if you can find me a cheap, good, 2 person kayak, you will win a very good prize when i think of one. You can send the link or whatever to my email, or post it on the blog.
I think this is interesting, but it is inflatable:
Here is an old one with possible shipping problems:
Here is one that is a bit higher than you budget, and has no reviews, so I hesitate giving it to you:
These are just some options. Try searching "2-Person Kayak" or "Tandem Kayak" on the sites. Also, I take no responsibility if the products I've found turn out to be horrible. You make the choice of which one to buy.