This wasn't during break, but I was saving these pictures to put into a bigger post.

Here are some of the pictures I did take over break. One thing I did a few times was I cooked. So I have a picture of a pea and some milk in oil. Don't ask me why I had to mix those together, I don't even remember what I was making. I think it was muffins or something.

Oh and I also started planting the seeds for my garden inside and it's so exciting!!!! The morning glories, SUGAR SNAP PEAS!!!!! and squash have already started growing!

One last thing I did this spring break, was cleaned up my room. A little. At least my walls look prettier. I devoted a whole quarter of a wall to the pictures I've taken. And on the other wall I have my wallpaper in a frame (isn't that such a great idea? my mom thought of it.) and this awesome poster I got from ACMoore.

Last but not least, my giant awesome map. I love my map. Sometimes I just stand there, planning out where I would go on my dream vacation.

(Sorry the pictures are a little squished.)
I have a map like that too! I like the food pics.