Saturday, October 30, 2010

Hey guys, I haven't been able to take a lot of pictures lately, but I just realized I never posted the ones from the field trip! There aren't very many, so i added some of my dog.

For the waterfall pictures, the person running the photography class taught me how to make the shutter speed faster so you can see the water dripping more.

OH and here's a picture of my new $20 guitar I got at my neighbor's garage sale!!


  1. I love the waterfall one on the right. I am decidedly jealous of your photography skills.

  2. i can teach you how to make it look like that, does your camera have a shutter speed option?

  3. Have you tried setting the shutter speed slower? That makes a cool silky effect too.

  4. no i never even touched it before that lady showed me. i'll have to try it
