Saturday, May 15, 2010


On Thursday and Friday I was not at school because I was in Rochester for my brother's doctors appointment. I wanted to come to school, but I had no one to stay with, and my mom wanted me to come. Anyways, i brought the camera with me and took a few pictures during the trip. Well actually most of them were my attempts at me trying to take a good picture than myself in the car, and two others I took while driving through the place we were in. Here they are.

I don't really know why I took this picture, I guess cause there was really nothing else very exciting to take a picture of.

Now at first glance, you might just see a tree. But if you look closely, you'll notice it is really a MONSTER TREE!!! I don't know if someone cut to tree to make it look like a monster, which I sort of doubt becuase it was just another random tree on the side of the road, but I'm very glad I saw it. IF YOU HAVE ANY NAME IDEAS PLEASE COMMENT!