Sunday, October 28, 2012


Thanks to my friend Claire, I have been inspired to start using my blog again. This will probably be a long post filled with random things I have been doing for the past 3 months. As you can tell, my plan to update this blog every other week during the summer didn't turn out as great as I thought it would. But my hope is that I will spend more time taking pictures if I know I need to put something on my blog. So one thing I have been doing lately, that is related to photography, is experimenting with my film camera which is a Pentax if anyone was wondering (there are pictures of it in some previous posts). Since I know pretty much nothing about how they work I have been determined to figure it out. Thankfully I have found that a lot of my parent's friends know a lot about them. In my next post I will show you some pictures of the pictures I took with that camera. Another photography relate activity I have been involved in is preparing for this art contest in which I am entering 3 pictures I took. The white flower one is being entered into digital art.
This is a little off topic, but let me know what you think of my new background and title... I'm still in the process of finding the perfect combination. Here are more random pictures I have taken since July.
Aren't those humming birds so cute?! I waited there for such a long time to get those pictures. And that picture of the building and the other bird on a tree are from my trip to Boston which was awesome. We went to Mike's Pastry :) So that's about all I have for now. I really need to organize the pictures on my computer because for some reason my computer decided it would organize them in this mysterious way that doesn't have any pattern like the date they were taken or anything helpful like that. But I will hopefully have some more in a week or two.